An Auspicious Time

Life feels like it’s at a stand still. It seems to have come to a halt and that there’s some kind of entity that is disturbing the order of our lives.

But I’ve been witnessing that the wider world begs to differ! I’ll explain.

People are going out to get things. Cars are out on the road and traffic signals are still working. Yellow light. Red light. Green light. And go!

The trains are still going. “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!” And restaurant signs are still lit with their colors. Though a lot of businesses have taken a pause and there is a lot of unknown, all is well. Life is continuing.

I’m grateful to have electricity, and running water. I’m grateful to have hot water, and food. I’m grateful for the roof over my head that keeps me warm and dry. I’m grateful that I have two arms, and two legs, and that breath flows out of me! Thank you, Divine Life! You know what’s up!

The sun has risen today. It still comes out, did you know that? The birds are making beautiful music in the trees that still stand! Nature is continuing on and so is life.

Children still look at a person in the eye and smile. They continue to play, to sleep, to eat, and to love the person that holds them. They may cry, but for a momentary discomfort. Then all is well.

School is closed? That’s okay, let’s do something else. Let’s do the things we never get to do when life moves too fast for us to even catch our breath. We can catch our breath now! Hallelujah!

The hard working person that works from 9-5 all week, and is now required to work from home can rejoice. “I get to be with my family that I don’t often see.” Isn’t that a gift? Or those that are not able to work at the moment and required to stay home can rejoice. “I get to spend time with my family that I don’t often see.” Isn’t that a gift?

Those that have dogs still have to let them out. Right? That would be silly and unnecessary to quarantine or isolate the dog. So, yes, walk the dog and notice that the trees are still tall. Look up and see that the grass is still green. It’s NOT going to be greener on the other side. It’s green right NOW! Those that don’t have a dog to walk you can go outside! Notice that the birds chirp and that they sing without effort or fear. Notice that the breeze continues and it caresses you with delight, as it blows the hair back from your face.

This may be an unprecedented time, but it is an auspicious time. So enjoy your favorite TV show, and a hot beverage. Enjoy the sound of your children laughing. Enjoy having time with your family or by yourself. Rejoice in the present moment. Rejoice in walking the dog or playing with the cat. Rejoice in getting time to work on personal projects or getting time for work without the rest of your agenda getting in the way. Rejoice in time to find mental space for peace and to catch your breath.

The dark will want to convince us that we are separate and getting weaker, but it’s the opposite. We are becoming more united and getting stronger. Thank you, Divine Life, and Divine Order! You know what’s up! Press on.

Published by fosteringcreation

I'm a writer, performer, and creative person. This is my official website. I hope it inspires others!

2 thoughts on “An Auspicious Time

  1. You know what’s up : ) xoxoJ 203.918.2132 SOUL HEARER, UNLTD Fostering Vocal Freedom

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