The Unknown

The unknown feels dark and scary. It’s like being blind as you walk down the street. It’s like swimming with no way to come up for air. But as one knowingly decides that their endeavors and passions mean more to them than fear of the dark they can bravely step into the unknown and thrive.

The unknown becomes an office of great craft and concentration. It gives one time to create in a space where there is no judgment or anticipation of that which one makes. Then when all that one can make has been crafted to the best of one’s ability then one must share. One must release it into the world!

However, this new release of one’s work does not mean stop. While the work is pending in the world then sink back into the unknown and practice. Continue to sculpt, tinker, write, evolve, create, pray, and add to the skills acquired as an artist.

Then one day when the work made has become known in the world one can emerge a professional of their craft. Step into the bright light and be grateful of this version of success, but delight in the unknown for all that it taught and all it allows for one to create the best work possible and by all means don’t stop thriving in the unknown! After all, the unknown is where all the magic began and it’s the place where your new work will be crafted. So hunker down and craft on!   

Divine Love

Oh love! Thank you. Oh Divine Love don’t let go! I see you. I see your beauty and the many, many ways that I pushed you away.

As I let go of self-destruction, hatred, and discontent I come home to you, Divine Love. We will have an affair that is brighter, bolder, and lasts longer than any sexual affair.

I don’t care about sex. I care about love! I care about humanity. I care about art and making something good. I don’t need a human kiss, but I can’t live without the kiss of simplicity. Simplicity always brings me back to love. Love always reminds me how beautiful vulnerability can be.  

Trust and good intention coupled with a pure heart is what makes you, Divine Love, a friend and lover to the end!

I hope we never get divorced!

Present Friends

Friends become a second pair of eyes. They become an outside set of thoughts and emotions. When my head and heart run away with me and I habitually withdraw from reality, friends bring me back into who I want to be. They remind me how good humanity is and how good I can be.

When I feel perpetually restless and exhausted I lose sight of my needs. Friends help me rein in my scattered mind and restless heart. I find myself again and always recalculate back to self-love. When friends speak they bring a cool, delicious breeze. It cuts through the foggy, dry heat I always sift through.

You’ve been there for me. Let me be there for YOU! My restless heart will be loyal. Don’t be deterred by its restlessness. You, beautiful human, that has willingly chosen to love me, and emanate presence smother my restless longings.

Oh gorgeous presence! It shakes the ego to the core. It’s a strong heart, a clear head, and a grounded being ready to serve. It’s the vulnerable and unconditional need to respond. Presence is the parental instinct, and gut reaction that compels one to move forward for the good of humanity. It’s love of life and the love of human connection.

Oh gorgeous presence! It’s the “willingness to become as a little child”, to give into your playful, innocent heart, and to let go of cluttered thought. Presence is being at home in the Divine Power, and at home in yourself. Presence is raw and therefore so lovely it’s shocking! When friends meet me where you I am without condition, agenda, or ego they are vulnerable. Vulnerability is powerful.  

Dear friends, stay present because that is your true color. Thank you and thank you in advance for burning bright! I love you as you are!